I haven't blogged much since starting my YouTube channel but lately I've noticed that a lot of YouTubers have a very active blog to go along with their video uploads. Who are these crazy superwomen?! How do they do it??!! And you know what's worse? Some of them have full time jobs outside their home. And some of them are still raising young children. Lots of young children. And some of them have successful online businesses in addition to their full time job and litter of children.
And here I situnemployed retired, my daughter is grown, I should have no excuse not to update my blog regularly in addition to uploading videos but can I manage that? Heck no. Just thinking about it stresses me out and gives me old lady zits.
I'm not one to back down from a challenge and failure is an option that I'm completely comfortable with so I see no reason why I shouldn't try to blog my videos. Wouldn't it be great if I had a video to go along with this blog post? Yeah, I didn't plan this very well.
I will regurge a recent video since I'm planning a follow up for it anyway. It's called Journaling By 5s.
I wanted to come up with some concrete steps for making art journaling more casual and fun. I wanted to make it easier for the left brains who tend to over-think and over-plan. I wanted it to be something that would silence those inner critics who beat us down with a blow horn. I wanted to eliminate the paralyzing anxiety that often accompanies a blank page or a new blank journal. I wanted it to be a process where we use the stuff we already have on hand so we're not required to buy something new. I wanted to keep the focus on the joy of the process instead of the expectations of the end result. I wanted it to be something that would appeal to a seasoned artist/crafter as well as a first timer.
I'm no stranger to coming up with ideas and inventing techniques. It's sort of what I do. But that was an awfully big order to fill. All I can say is thank you Jesus for filling it for me! Thanks to Him and inspiration from Diana Trout and Rae Missigman, Journaling By 5s was born.
That makes it sound like some revolutionary thing that's sweeping the country. Yeah, not quite. But it's working its way through my YouTubeminions subscribers and a lot of them are finding it helpful and for that I am grateful.
(Now I remember why I can't blog and upload videos. I'm too dang long winded.)
5 sessions--all in one day or just one a week...your choice.
10 prompts--2 per session, feel free to make substitutions.
15 minutes--that gives you 45 seconds per page so don't mess around!
20 pages--just one side of a sheet of paper, not both sides.
These are the recommended prompts for each session. You may make substitutions to fit what you have on hand:
Session 1-Background: Paint, Ink
Session 2-Texture: Collage, Recycle
Session 3-Pattern: Stamps, Stencils
Session 4-Focal Point: Words, Images
Session 5-Details: Pen, Pencil
Watch the video to see how it's done. The rules are loose but don't cheat on the time limit or number of pages...those are the important parts. Being a little bit rushed keeps you from over thinking every little detail and forces you to just run on instinct. Don't think, just do.
After the first couple of sessions you might be convinced that any 3rd grader could create something better than what you just did. By the 5th session you might have a completed 20 page art journal (done in just 1.25 hours) or most likely you will have 20 jumping off points that have already sparked ideas for what to do next.
And here I sit
I'm not one to back down from a challenge and failure is an option that I'm completely comfortable with so I see no reason why I shouldn't try to blog my videos. Wouldn't it be great if I had a video to go along with this blog post? Yeah, I didn't plan this very well.
I will regurge a recent video since I'm planning a follow up for it anyway. It's called Journaling By 5s.
I wanted to come up with some concrete steps for making art journaling more casual and fun. I wanted to make it easier for the left brains who tend to over-think and over-plan. I wanted it to be something that would silence those inner critics who beat us down with a blow horn. I wanted to eliminate the paralyzing anxiety that often accompanies a blank page or a new blank journal. I wanted it to be a process where we use the stuff we already have on hand so we're not required to buy something new. I wanted to keep the focus on the joy of the process instead of the expectations of the end result. I wanted it to be something that would appeal to a seasoned artist/crafter as well as a first timer.
I'm no stranger to coming up with ideas and inventing techniques. It's sort of what I do. But that was an awfully big order to fill. All I can say is thank you Jesus for filling it for me! Thanks to Him and inspiration from Diana Trout and Rae Missigman, Journaling By 5s was born.
That makes it sound like some revolutionary thing that's sweeping the country. Yeah, not quite. But it's working its way through my YouTube
(Now I remember why I can't blog and upload videos. I'm too dang long winded.)
5 sessions--all in one day or just one a week...your choice.
10 prompts--2 per session, feel free to make substitutions.
15 minutes--that gives you 45 seconds per page so don't mess around!
20 pages--just one side of a sheet of paper, not both sides.
These are the recommended prompts for each session. You may make substitutions to fit what you have on hand:
Session 1-Background: Paint, Ink
Session 2-Texture: Collage, Recycle
Session 3-Pattern: Stamps, Stencils
Session 4-Focal Point: Words, Images
Session 5-Details: Pen, Pencil
Watch the video to see how it's done. The rules are loose but don't cheat on the time limit or number of pages...those are the important parts. Being a little bit rushed keeps you from over thinking every little detail and forces you to just run on instinct. Don't think, just do.
After the first couple of sessions you might be convinced that any 3rd grader could create something better than what you just did. By the 5th session you might have a completed 20 page art journal (done in just 1.25 hours) or most likely you will have 20 jumping off points that have already sparked ideas for what to do next.
These are some of my favorite pages from my first Journaling By 5s journal:
For more Journaling By 5s inspiration, visit these YouTube channels:
I'm hoping to do more blog posts to go along with video uploads in the future. I've done one in a row! I'm on a roll!!
I began journaling by 5s. I did no. 1 and 2. And I haven't had the time to continue. I love that way to create. I don't have to think to much. It's a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing, Johanne Lacombe
I am pasting composition book pages as I write (taking a small break here). I don't blog anymore, or post YouTube, but I am a loyal minion.
I'm in the middle of step 3...found it the hardest one. Loving the entire process however!
I loved Journalling by 5's and have so far done it twice. It is a fun and refreshing way to spend an afternoon and a good way to clear out some of those bits of paper from my hoard. The first time I felt quite rushed but the next time I went through the process I found it was more than enough time. For anyone who hasn't attempted it yet try it out, you will love it!
Seems to me you needn't compare yourself with any other blogger. You're unique and a trailblazer discovering and sharing as you go. I appreciate your insight and advice. Think I'll create a word book using the 5's concept using what I have and see what happens. I sometimes over think/watch way too many you tubes and get overwhelmed with what to do...not enough productivity. I'm retired too and every day is Saturday but I do want to get more focused.
Thank y'all so much for taking the time to read and watch! I just thrills me when I hear that someone else has tried this!
Shannon, I have watched all of the Journaling by 5's videos that I can find. Do you have a list of the people who have posted videos on this technique? I am having JB5 withdrawal! Seriously! Barbara Jean (Jeanie) Bowden, a/k/a Momkat
P.S. I think I saw a video where a lady did JB5 on a small booklet, perhaps a catalog, but now I can't find it. Waaaa...
Jeanie, I can so hook you up! Here is a comprehensive list of every JB5 video I've been able to find. I add videos to the playlist every day so check back now and then for new ones!
I watched a video from Diana Trout where she worked randomly in a composition book. It was my idea of what an art journal should be...just a playground for experimentation. That video has been removed from her YouTube channel but I'm not sure why. Anyway, then I watched one of Rae Missigman's 15 Minutes of Mixed Media videos. I love those and I'm always in awe of how she gets such great results in just a little bit of time with relatively few supplies. Then I started combining the ideas from those 2 videos in my head and as I thought about it the Journaling by 5 steps were born. As I went through them myself I realized how liberating it was to create without thinking about it and I thought others might like the idea too so I made a video! And there ya have it :) What I find so fascinating is that technically...I haven't made a JB5 video. The first one I made where I talk about the steps and show the end result is really the only one I've done. I just threw the idea out there and let everyone grab it and run. It's the participants who have taught the technique and spread the word. Kinda awesome!
And yeah...I've had to monitor my blood pressure a few times during some videos! Those gals are gonna beat that clock come hell or high water! LOL
Love your videos Shannon. I have been altering Composition Journal covers since I watched your early videos. Now I just need to start gluing pages together for the 5s project. Im a cover girl mostly. But, will try to be good and follow the process. I am thrilled to see you blogging about mundane things. Ordered me some Daddy Vans Bees wax *ding* after your promo video. Used it on an old piece of furniture. Good stuff!
Thanks for sharing all your wit and know how.
You've got a lot of the same art journaling philosophies that I have! Kindred spirit and all. Journals are for ANYTHING the artist wants. Da Vinci is a great example, so is Darwin and other naturalists, so is anyone who goes traveling with a journal/sketchbook. I've jammed out travel journals much the same way you've done here -- get something started and dry before it gets stuffed in the carry-on bag!!! Your structure is perfect for someone in a hurry, or has a long weekend alone, or is fearful and needs some creative comfort. As for gluing pages together… I guess these people had never done it! Try glueing two flat pages together not in a book. I'm big on a clear acrylic roller but a credit card works -- just don't stretch the wet paper because it'll shrink as it dries. I've had zero luck with tape runner and glue stick because the pages peel apart with flipping around, and neither survive with anything wet like paint. If someone is totally against any page distortion buy 300 watercolor paper, cut it to size, and use those locking rings as a binding -- not as sexy but they will be absolutely flat. Thanks for a great idea and fun videos
I had to let you know how much I enjoy your videos. You crack me up. journaling by 5's is the next project my girls and I are going to do together. My left brained kiddo really needs it. Thank you for sharing your talent and humor.
Well I got a hair up where the sun don't shine an decided to finally watch you journaling by 5s video, and I got super excited! I can do this! So in my excitement I find a composition book that I had lying around, and glue every five pages together, and and darn it, cause I only ended up with 18! Do I need to get another composition book and re do the gluing,?or can I cheat ant do two of the backs. I know you said not to cheat, but I have to cause I wanna get started with this. Like yesterday! Please tell me that it's ok. Please, please, please! Or else I'm gonna cry, waaaaa!
I googled "journaling by 5s" after watching a recent video by My Life Mits where she was journaling by 5s. I really like this method and want to start. I am looking forward to challenge of the timer and not overthinking.
I like your truthfulness. I feel comfortable to know
you were same as most of us feel.
Now I feel I can get out of my comfort zone.
And be happy and slap ideas when I want.
Let go and Be happy.
So glad I found you.
I watched your one when you answered 100 Questions.
When you answered. Your answers were like mine I would
answer. Honest is the best Policy.
I am a follower of you as you are laid back and you make fun be Fun .
Recently discovered you on YouTube and am having lots of fun! Did the first session of journaling by fives this afternoon. Hope to do session number two soon. Also tried being a rebel with watercolors, but mine didn’t come out as nice as yours. Thinking that maybe my watercolors were too cheap! Lol. I’d also like to know the specifics of how you dry your papers in the oven...temp, time, single sheets or in a stack? Thank you for all the great inspiration!
What a help to a planner,have to have it all figured out, have to have it match kind of girl. Sure going to try your method Thanks a lot.
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