
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Queen of The Goobers Strikes Again

Just in case there was ever any doubt, I have once again proven myself to be queen of the goobers.

I was asked if I could answer the phone at church for a couple of hours today while the staff met with each of the 4 potential candidates for my old job. I jumped on the opportunity since I was really needing a break from my self-induced organizing Auschwitz.

The interviewees came in at something like 15 or 20 minute intervals so I got to meet all of them except the first one. That was sort of fun and I even resisted the urge to make up some horror stories that would send them running.

Job interviews are important so I tried to put on my professional face and act all efficient and not like a goober as much as I could. To be extra helpful I even sent Barbara, the office manager, a text message just a few minutes before each person's scheduled time slot letting her know they were ready. Maybe a minute after each text message Barbara came out to fetch the next person and I marveled at my own awesomeness.

Until it was the last girl's turn. She got there early so we were visiting and I nearly lost track of time. Luckily I still had a minute or two to spare for my text message so the meeting was still on schedule, thanks to me. I had to stop our conversation to send Barbara the text letting her know the final interviewee was ready, so I explained that to the gal as I typed.

When I hit send, I heard a faint little chime sound and looked up in horror to see Barbara's cell phone lying on the desk right in front of me. It had been there the whole time and I was so impressed with my own efficiency I hadn't even noticed.

Final Interviewee noticed. Oh yes she did. What could I do? I just came clean and told her I had been texting Barbara before each appointment but she didn't even have her cell phone, I did. Which just goes to show that you don't have to be too bright to work there.

I was cracking up at my own idiocy but Final Interviewee (bless her heart) looked a little frightened.

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