
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

My cup runneth over.

This is in response to a couple of friends who have encouraged me to switch to the Diva Cup. While out running errands today I had to come home in the middle of it all so I could change clothes due to an unexpected surge in hormone related activity that I am unable to predict or prevent thanks to perimenopause, or as I like to call it, Hell Lite.

I'm sure the Diva Cup is a fine product and I do love that it saves money on those disposable supplies we are forced to buy every month. I also like that it is environmentally friendly since those disposable supplies eventually end up in a landfill somewhere.

However, today's episode reminded me that until they make a Diva Cup the size of a Super Big Gulp, it's not for me.

That is all.


donna joy said...

But you get to choose your own size...

Shannon Green said...

They don't have the 1.2 liter size. I checked.